Friday, November 16, 2007

Bed Time?

Usually Lucas goes to bed without a fuss. I lay him in his crib, tell him how much we love him, say good night and close the door. I always check back in on him a few minutes later, you know, to make sure he is breathing and things. To my surprise, the other night I walk into a wide eyed Lucas (as if there is any other kind of Lucas) sitting up smirking and laughing. Caught in action! His head was well above the railing and he likes to pull on his bumpers. Needless to say we lowered the crib that night.


Farrah said...

Okay that is so funny! At least he was happy being in the room by himself! I love those big eyes!

The Jackson Family said...

How cute! We don't want that precious boy getting out of his crib, he is like a big boy now!!!