Lucas Eats Oatmeal
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Lucas's Halloween Costume
Lucas wants to be a Shepherd for Halloween. He decided to put on his Costume to make sure it fits well.
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The Banda Bunch
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The Little Surfer Dude
He loves the mist of the waves on his face, the feel of the water under his feet, and the success of riding the wave all the way in! He is "Surfer Lucas"
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The Banda Bunch
The Happy Little Man
As Dad was trying to get his homework completed, Little Lucas continued to explore his new surroundings. He loves computers and he loves to help Dad with his homework.
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The Banda Bunch
Monday, September 10, 2007
Han's Pictures of Superior
We went to go visit the Porter's with Hans and then we drove out to Superior. It was a very nice road trip.
Hans heads back to California.
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The Banda Bunch
Hans' Pictures of Lucas
Last Sunday a mission buddy from Belize came into town, he took some pictures of Lucas. These pictures were taken at Luke and Sally's house while we celebrated Shalyce's Birthday.
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The Banda Bunch
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Shalyce's Birthday Party
We celebrated another year of Life with Shalyce. Everything was almost perfect but one of the fruit Pizzas didn't have an equal distribution of fruit for every slice.
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The Banda Bunch
Friday, September 7, 2007
Celebrating Bre's Birthday
We went to the Moss's House to celebrate Bre's Birthday. We had a blast, the food was delicious (even thought the steaks Jeff made were still mooinng) and it was fun to see all the baby boys together.
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The Banda Bunch
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Visiting the Porters
We went to see the Porters from my mission in Belize, it was so nice to see them. Visiting the Porters was their Great Grandchild. She was born 5 days after Lucas but the weighed the same. Lucas was trying to put the moves on her, he showed her his big smile and his shiny tooth. We had a great time catching up and Lucas fell asleep on Sister Porter.
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The Banda Bunch
Grandma & Grandpa Banda's Anniversary
Grandma and Grandpa Banda wanted to celebrate their anniversary with the family. We celebrated at Olive Garden. Grandma and Grandpa were sad to see that Lucas slept the whole time. We had a very enjoyable time.
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The Banda Bunch
Uncle Elder Shem Banda buys a Monkey
From Elder Banda's Last letter, September 2 2007:
Friday August 31st 2007
The day was crazy with excitement, I went with elder Olsen to the bank and returning back we saw a monkey that was really small and sweet. I don't know exactly what happened but I was then walking away with 60 soles less in my wallet and a monkey on my shoulder. It really had no logic so.... um I have a pet monkey don't worry I took it to the vet, all the "what not stuff" is taken care of. Well I didn't have time to explain to president that I had a pet monkey. I went to the appointment with Hno Torres again and he said his wife wants to be baptized with him, sweet blessing!!! Then I bought the monkey a sweeet collar and he was going to be called Gorge (curios) but we went with the name CHAYO, it's the name of the monkey in the Movie Testaments. So I took the monkey home and he slept with his banana and in a bag filled with a towels where he was out cold.
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The Banda Bunch